• The Earth: a grain of sand in a vast cosmic arena. To date, the only known world capable of supporting life. Everyone we love and every human being has lived their existence here. This is where we are. This is our home. This is who we are. This is why we have decided to dedicate our professional lives to improving the lives of other people. To achieve this, we have undertaken difficult and risky paths. Indeed, considered by many to be impossible. With the awareness that failures would be greater in number than successes. But life is only worth living if we realize our uniqueness by kindly caring for each other. Within this type of approach, each of us has one primary mission, and only one: to fulfil their potential in harmony with their surroundings.
  • A complete range of tissue regeneration solutions that meet the multiple needs in bone regenerative surgery.

Ilenia, Energy and confidence

As an entrepreneur, I feel like a film director who directs the protagonists according to a vision that connects the scenes of a great film production, that is, corporate development.
  • We were the first to choose to color ourselves pink, a bright and decisive pink that is presented with boldness and pride. A pink that goes beyond color and declares that we are determined to follow the chosen path to the end, perhaps even further.

    There are countless proposals aimed at training marketing and sales networks and some of these are also very sound. For now, we are simply "different.” Moreover, by 2023, we intend to also become the first also to train competent partners, as we have been in choosing our way of doing business.

Expo, meeting & congresses

Trade fairs, conferences and events always have represented a fundamental moment of comparison and exchange between the companies, potential customers and partners, a privileged showcase to put in highlight the differentiating and competitive characteristics of products and services.
  • We are specialists in regenerative bone surgery in dentistry, with a strong ambition to distinguish ourselves and generate value for partners involved in our business project. We invest in training, a key element for deepening knowledge, developing skills and stimulating research. We involve reputable professionals and Opinion Leaders in training initiatives to guarantee the highest level of scientific competence and experience in the field. The goal is to bring innovative solutions based on solid scientific premises, which improve the health and well-being of patients in dental practices.

Markets across the border

We are an international company in constant growth and development, present on the international market with strong expansion potential.We support our partners in Italy and abroad, by organizing meetings and training activities to support them in the use and distribution of our solutions.

Information Box

We have created a box whose materials illustrate our philosophy, a working method attentive to the customer and scientifically. This box is a tangible sign of the care with which we cultivate relationships, and we dedicate it to the Professionals of the dental community, who have the ability to spread knowledge and help create a network of relationships. For more information on the content and to request our box, click below.

Scientific Bibliography

We are proud of our project for the circulation of innovative solutions for regenerative bone surgery and of the high-level academic training that we organize thanks to the collaboration with eminent dentists, doctors and professors at Italian and international dental universities. Our solutions are designed on the basis of research, studies and clinical tests. We collect here the updated specialized scientific bibliography.

Si attesta che l’intera gamma di dispositivi medici sopra descritti è marcata CE e realizzata in conformità ai requisiti previsti dalla Direttiva 93/42/CEE attuata in Italia con DLGS. n. 46 del 24-02-97 e successive modifiche. L’azienda opera in conformità alla norma ISO 13485.

UBGEN Srl via Regia 71, 35010, Vigonza (PD) ITALY

C.F. e P.IVA 04750480289 REA: PD - 415545

Telefono: 049 628 630

UBGEN 2024, © tutti i diritti riservati